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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Literacy Coach/ Teacher (25-26)12/12/2024CertifiedCentral OfficeApply
High School Assistant Principal- Interim/ Dean of Students12/11/2024CertifiedCuero Senior High SchoolApply
High School Principal12/11/2024AdministrativeCuero Senior High SchoolApply
Daycare Provider12/02/2024ClassifiedEarly Childhood Daycare CenterApply
8-12 High School Teacher Pool01/02/2023CertifiedCuero Senior High SchoolApply
LSSP or LSSP Intern10/01/2022CertifiedSpecial Ed DeptApply
EC-1 Elementary Teacher (As Needed)10/22/2021CertifiedJohn C French Elementary SchoolApply
BUS DRIVER- Special Needs10/01/2021ClassifiedTransportationApply
SPED LifeSkills Aide- All Campus Pool01/25/2021ClassifiedSpecial Ed DeptApply
Campus Aide- All Campus Pool01/08/2021ClassifiedCentral OfficeApply
Gr 4-8 Generalist Teacher Pool11/30/2020CertifiedCuero Junior High SchoolApply
BUS DRIVER01/31/2019ClassifiedTransportationApply
TEACHER SUBSTITUTES08/07/2018SubstituteCentral OfficeApply
Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) Substitutes02/05/2017ClassifiedCentral OfficeApply
FOODSERVICE SUBSTITUTES10/04/2015ClassifiedFood Service OfficeApply
BUS DRIVER SUBS10/04/2015ClassifiedTransportationApply